Cyber & Inteligence
LPP Cyber and Inteligence
LPP provides their customer with technologies which are based on SW solutions running mostly on own HW produced by LPP. All platforms are delivered with cyber security elements. The current worldwide environment is especially with coming IoT connected and it is needed to protect information and data against any threats incoming from outer space. Together with customer we build cyber defence strategy and establishing complete structure. Application Vulnerabilities, Information Security, Network Security, Disaster Recovery Planning, Operational Security, End User Education are main parts of the complete solution.
Our HW is built on proved sources with traceability up to individual components to assure also chips structure complies with security standards.
We provide our customers with matchless cyber security products in active and passive protection, cryptography and security ranging from initial penetration testing through IT/HW/SW and data exchange audit up to design of customized networks and solutions ranging from individual user up to HQ level including civil section of departments. As an addition, we can equip user with AI and Big Data analysis tools to be able track data flow and connections.
As a matter, of course, is digital authentication not only on HQ level but also on level of individual user in the field. Due to the sensitivity of all related questions and solutions please contact us directly on
Software Design

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Due to sensitivity of all related questions and solutions please contact us directly