VIBMS: Vehicle integration
& Battle management system
- Full in-house development
- Integral part of C6 ISR system
- Following cyber security standards
- Interoperable and NATO compatible
- Compatible with VHF/UHF or HF radios
- Predefined quick response messages
- G-track for Blue-Force-Tracking (BFT)
- Automated data relay to HQ
- Radars, Cameras & Surveillance units
- Fire control & Acquisition systems
- CBRN, CWA and Fire protection
- Advanced future sensors (UAV, UGV)
- Interactive HMI interface
- Map & navigation managment
- Tactical situation visualization
- Rugged version
- Unified Vetronics data core
- Diagnostics, Chassis information
- Powerpack, engine & transmission status
- Supperstructure and periferal interface
- Independent inertial navigation

Dismounted soldier
- Individual skills and team cooperation training
- Scenarios developed by experienced ex-military personnel
- CQB Tactics, EOD/IEDD, Convoy, Ambush situations
- Ballistic shirts, vest, plate carriers and helmets
- Riot protection equipment
- Accessories for vests and plate carriers
- NIJ 0101.04 & 0101.06 compliant
- Handheld & Manpack units
- Built-in GNSS receiver
- Integration in to C6 ISR structure
- G-track for Blue-Force-Tracking (BFT)
- Military standards (MANET, Mil-STD, STANAG, …)
- Helmet mounted, handheld and stand-alone devices
- Thermal vision long-range devices with GPS and rangefinders
- Soldier night vision & thermal vision

Command Post (HQ)
- Real-time mapping & displaying
- Unified layer overview
- Clear common picture
- Decision making support
- Specialized meteo-layer & database
- Data collection & evaluation
- Terrain changes prediction
- Warnings & recommendations distribution
- Compatible with VHF/UHF or HF radios
- Predefined quick response messages
- Automated data relay to HQ
- Integration of inputs
- Simplified threats identification
- Warnings & exclusion zones
- Specialized tactical overview
- International / Joint operation support
- Standardized data relating
- Common doctrine & procedures
- NATO standard compliance
- Battle space management
- Identification friend or foe
- Advanced target evaluation
- Friendly-fire mitigation